Title: Izumozaki Miharu to Shuukyou Sennou no Wana
Original Title: 出雲崎美晴と宗教洗脳の罠
Language: English, Indonesia, Japanese (Windows Only)
Developer: Organic Vegetable Garden
Size: 88MB
OS: Android, Windows
Genre: Female Protagonist Student Trance / Suggestion Corrupted Morals Mind Control
Description: Koko, doesn’t show up in the morning.
After gathering information after school, she learns that Koko was approached by a follower of a new religious group near the train station. Determined to find out more, Miharu confronts the suspicious believer directly and heads to the headquarters of the Aobotan Sect where Koko is supposedly held.
However, caught in a cunning trap, Miharu is swept along and ends up undergoing a trial initiation into the cult.
Can she escape the sect’s clutches and rescue her best friend before it’s too late?
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